The heart of our work in Residence Life is building community among peers, colleagues, and partners throughout the residential communities. Through our Spider Residential Experience we focus on individual and regular connections by floor, as well as offering specialized communities while striving to enhance and enrich a positive residential and college experience. While building community takes time, we recognize that building community can help students feel connected to the University of Richmond and lead to a happier and more fulfilling time while living on campus.
Community Development programming supports residents feeling valued by classmates, faculty, and staff. These relationships should create an atmosphere where a free exchange of ideas, mutual respect, and tolerance for one another's differences exist. Community Development programming focuses on creating a sense of belonging and engage residents as citizens in an increasingly complex and intercultural society.
Roommate Agreements
Living with another person can be challenging. Setting clear guidelines and boundaries with one another can help ease the transition. Upon request, your RA can help facilitate a Roommate Agreement or a mediation to assist you and your roommate(s) in the process.