Study Abroad

Fall Study Abroad

Students studying abroad in the fall term are not eligible to participate in the spring housing selection process and will be automatically removed from participation.

Housing is not guaranteed for returning study abroad students.

Students returning to campus for the spring semester following their study abroad experience will be able to request on-campus housing. The application will be available October 7, 2024 - November 3, 2024. Late requests will not be accepted unless space is available once assignments for spring are completed.

Assignments for the spring semester will be sent out prior to the Thanksgiving Holiday break. Students will have 48 hours to decline their housing assignment for their spring once they have received their assignment. Students who fail to decline their housing assignment for the spring term will be charged for the full semester housing and food rate for their assignment.

Assignments for spring term housing are made as follows: Scholars who qualify for priority housing will be at the beginning of their class year. The priority order will be senior scholars, seniors, junior scholars, juniors, sophomore scholars, sophomores. As spaces are limited in the spring semester, assignments in a first-year hall is possible.

If you choose to live off campus upon your return, you are eligible to return to on-campus housing for the following fall semester as long as you pay the housing deposit and complete your housing application by the deadline date.

Spring Study Abroad

Upon committing to studying abroad in the spring semester, your spring housing assignment will be cancelled. You will be required to remove all of your belongings from your fall housing assignment by no later than then last day of the fall semester. If you decide not to study abroad after the designated committment date established by the Office of International Education, you must notify your study abroad advisor in writing of your withdrawal. Your advisor will notify the Office of Residence Life & Housing and you will be placed on a waitlist for on-campus housing for the spring semester which will result in a change to your housing assignment as/if space is available. It is important to note that you may not know your spring housing assignment before the end of the fall term as assignments continue to occur through the winter break.

If you want on-campus housing for the following fall semester, you may participate in the on-line room selection from abroad. To participate in room selection, pay the housing deposit by the deadline.